Doors of Perception

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Rights of Brotherhood in Islam

Give them your wealth, keep ties, give them their right...even if they dont

Being with a group that is impure is better than being alone

Veil people's weaknesses/faults. If you do, Allah will veil yours

Speak highly of people when they are not there

You dont have to agree on everyhting

Overlook people's faults

Dont go extreme in your could turn to hate
Dont hate too may turn to love

Allow for the possibility that an enemy may become a friend one day

Make Duaa for people

Real love lasts till death

The Prophet(s) would visit Khadeejah's friends after she died because if she was alive, she would do the same.

If you love Allah, you are with Him
If you love the Prophet(s), you are with him

Guard your tongue

Be light, let things go

If you are going to harm people, its better to stay away

The Prophet(s) said the best people are those that no one notices them when they are there, and no one notices when they leave. Guard the ego against the desire to be the centre of attention

Dont be petty


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