Doors of Perception

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Miserliness- Imam Mawlud(translated by Hamza Yusuf)

There were two aspects of miserliness. The first is Shariah (Sacred Law).

Paying Zakat (charity) is a must and mislerliness in the form of not paying it is forbidden.It allow applies to a man's wife and children...even if they are seperated he should pay child support.

The second aspect has to do with manliness and valor, which in western terms can be seen as chivarly and virtue.It is an Islamic ethic that rich person be generous and compassionate.
A creditor should be flexible to their creditor, espeically if they dont need the money. They should show compassion and understanding towards guests in their house who happen to e.g. drop something on the carpet.

The miser clings to his wealth and hoards it up.

The Prophet(S) said:

"God has made what comes out of the son of Adam as a metaphor for the world [dunya]. "

Giving Zakat is letting go of something to purify one's wealth and soul. It is possible that someone's earning may have some impurity in it, some dountful source. By giving Zakat, one purifies one's provisionfrom whatever unknown impurities that may have entered.


The treatment for miserliness is realizing that those who achieve wealth usually do so only after exhausting themselves over long periods of time, working for it day and night.Meanwhile life passes on.Time runs out, and in the end its all over. The culture of wanting more for the sake of more can literally occupy a person's whole life.

Reflect long and hard on the fact that people climb the heights of affluence and start to achieve what they have worn themselves out for, then death assials them without invitation.

Nobody likes miser, even misers dislike each other.


  • At 1:25 PM, Blogger Zaki said…

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    Talk to you soon!

  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger S.Demotion said…

    just put the link to your site, I'm jsut starting out with this blogging thing..wish me luck!

    Take care!


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