Doors of Perception

Monday, September 19, 2005

Arrogance-Harun Yahya summary

Hello once again its your friendly neighbourhood Sweetdemotion. There's something that bugs me about people, and even myself. Its probably the source of our self-destruction.By the title you can see I am talking about arrogance.

The following is a summary of what I read by Harun Yahya.Alright, the defintion:
It means attributing a seperate existence to one's self ,seeing one's existence apart from and independent of Allah.

There are four reasons people become arrogant
1.Power and Wealth
2.Beauty and youth
3.Status, prestige
4.Intelligence, enlightment + education

So why does a person become arrogant? A person becomes arrogant because he believes he deserves these qualities. We need to realise that our self-confidence depends on Allah alone.The deal with arrogant people is that they want the appreciation of others. The funny thing is that these kind of people are the most disliked and their company least welcomed. On the other hand, those who are humble are those who have recognised the importance of character, wisdom and morality as true values. They earn love, respect, and appreciation of others.

A normal person who enjoys a stable state of mind is extroverted, open and sincere.An arrogant person suffers a disturbed state of mind. Being decieved and carried away by their pride, his/her inner world is a sombre place of distress and anxiety, consumed with devious thoughts and schemes. Such a state of mind becomes exhausting, and causes them to age before their time.Lacking in character, they are cold and illtempered. You rarely see a pleasant expression on their face, or hear an encouraging word from them. Men usually become agressive and women show signs of uneasiness, and a minor problem causes them tension.The arrogant also fear making mistakes because they feel humiliated. The have total confidence in themselves yet, paradoxically, feel constant worry of doing the wrong thing. They try to escape accusation of faults, because they think its embarassing to admit fault.

The arrogant humiliate others when they discover their mistakes. They exaggerate the errors people make, No one feels at ease in their company! They also feel that being sincere and natural shortcomings are subject to ridicule. They love praise.They love themselves and thus can never experience true love. They find it demeaning to show love to others, but they want it themselves!They are jealous. The presence of someone else with better qualities makes them feel uneasy. This can make them hostile and malicious.If thats not enough, they also suffer from physical problems. They look old for their age, have wrinkles. Their mouth dries, their eyes are dull. With women their skin thickens and their hands become bony.

thats I said this is summary of Harun yahya's "Arrogance" book.


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